Past Events
Energy Careers in Renewable Energy, Operating, and Sustainability Companies
Current Revers Center for Energy Fellows will share their experiences in different companies related to the energy industry. This will be an opportunity for T’22’s to ask T’21’s about their recruitment and career experiences in energy fields in different energy roles within renewable energy, sustainability, operating, and corporate companies.
Event detailsEnergy Careers in Renewable Energy, Operating, and Sustainability Companies
Revers Center for Energy T’21 Fellows with experience recruiting and working in various roles in different energy related companies will share their expertise with T’22’s who are exploring different energy careers. There are a variety of operating, renewable energy, manufacturing, retail, and sustainability companies that do on-campus and off-campus recruiting at Tuck. T’21 students who have recruited and interned in these potential careers will help navigate the different career options and share recruitment strategies for different firms and geographical locations.
Tuck staff and students sign up here.
Tuck Renewable Energy Finance Challenge
The Tuck Renewable Energy Finance Challenge is the first annual sustainable energy case competition. Apply by September 27, 2020 for the chance to participate in this competition.
Event detailsTuck Renewable Energy Finance Challenge
The Tuck Renewable Energy Finance Challenge is the first annual sustainable energy case competition, held through the Revers Center for Energy at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth. This competition is designed to bring together creative and solutions-oriented teams to help a traditional oil and gas company assess what they can do to transition into long-term sustainable energy. Selected teams will present their recommendations to a group of business leaders comprised of representants from Marathon Capital, Shell, and Swift Current Energy.
The deadline to apply is September 27, 2020. The case will be sent to participants on October 1, 2020.
Tuck Tech Conference
The 7th annual Tuck SHIFT Conference will take place virtually on Friday, September 25th. The Revers Center for Energy is excited to support the Future of Automotive Mobility panel to explore the intersection of energy and the future of technology.
Event detailsTuck Tech Conference
Now in its 7th year, Tuck SHIFT, Tuck’s annual Tech Conference, is one of the largest student-run events hosted by the Tuck School of Business and is attended by students, alums, and business leaders from around the world. Tuck SHIFT 2020’s theme is Emerging Tech in Everyday Life and will cover the latest trends in mobility, health tech, and fintech!
For more information or to register for this event please visit the conference website.
New Energy Series: Erin Mayfield, Princeton University
Join the Revers Center for Energy and the Dartmouth Energy Collaborative for a discussion with Erin Mayfield of Princeton University who will present on her recent energy research as part of the New Energy: Conversations with Early-Career Energy Researchers series.
Event detailsNew Energy Series: Erin Mayfield, Princeton University
Date: September 23, 2020
Time: 12 p.m. EDT
Social inequities are embodied in energy system infrastructure. Transitioning to a net-zero economy entails transformational changes in energy infrastructure, creating the potential to mitigate inequities. Social equity has historically been treated as ancillary or an outcome rather than an objective of infrastructure system planning and policy in the U.S.
This presentation first reviews the historical, persistent, and multidimensional inequities embedded in coal and natural gas infrastructure as well as chemical, iron and steel, cement, and lime industrial facilities. Then, an approach for prioritizing social equity in future infrastructure planning, while achieving a net zero emissions target, is outlined. As an example, transition pathways are presented in which air quality benefits to environmental justice communities are optimized, with respect to decision regarding the timing and location of investments in the retirement and conversion of coal, natural gas, and industrial facilities in the U.S.
Erin Mayfield is an environmental systems engineer and public policy researcher, with expertise in sustainable systems, multiobjective modeling, and environmental economics. She is a postdoctoral scholar at Princeton University, where her research focuses on modeling net zero energy system pathways, assessing the multi-attribute conversion potential of existing thermal assets in the U.S., and evaluating the air quality and labor market effects of net zero energy systems. She completed her Ph.D. in Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University (2019), where she developed a macro-energy systems model that optimizes for both cost objectives and sustainability objectives (i.e., climate, air quality, employment, social equity) with respect to sequential decisions regarding the timing, magnitude, and location of energy infrastructure and investments across regional supply chains. She previously worked as an environmental scientist on natural resource damages litigation, land use planning, and valuation of ecosystem services. Dr. Mayfield has also held positions at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Congress, and Environmental Law Institute. She received her bachelor's degree in environmental science from Rutgers University (2008) and master's degree in environmental engineering from Johns Hopkins University (2011).
Dartmouth students, staff, and community members can RSVP here to receive Zoom information.
Energy Speaker: Colin Hayes, Energy Lobbyist
The Revers Center for Energy is excited to launch the Policy and Solutions Architecture Speaker Series with Colin Hayes, the former Staff Director for the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee and is now currently an energy lobbyist based at Lot Sixteen.
Event detailsEnergy Speaker: Colin Hayes, Energy Lobbyist
Date: Tuesday, September 22
Time: 12:00 - 1:00pm
The Revers Center for Energy is excited to launch the Policy and Solutions Architecture Speaker Series on Tuesday, September 22 from 12:00 - 1:00pm with Colin Hayes, the former Staff Director for the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee and is now currently an energy lobbyist based at Lot Sixteen. Climate change is one of the most partisan issues playing out in the 2020 election and the economy, of which energy is an important factor, and will be an important issues on the debate stage. Come hear from Colin about being on the front-lines in Washington.
Tuck students and staff can RSVP here to receive Zoom information. Dartmouth undergraduate and graduate students can email to participate.
Meet Colin Hayes
I’m a big dork for energy and resources policy who spent a decade and a half on Capitol Hill. As Staff Director at the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee, and having played a central role in the advancement of several major pieces of legislation, there are not many policy issues I haven’t seen or challenges I haven’t navigated. If you ask around, people will tell you I’m a straight shooter who can go deep on policy issues but with plenty of political sense to determine what is actually possible.
Before founding Lot Sixteen, I was lucky to have some tough bosses who knew the issues, their constituents, and how to pass legislation that mattered. It had an impact on my own view that talk is cheap, especially from lobbyists. And when I was on the other side of the table, listening to people doing what I’m doing now, I only paid attention to the people who knew the substance as well as I did, and weren’t so zealous they failed to realize there is, almost always, another side to the story.I grew up in New England, graduated from Hobart College in western New York and after moving to DC got my MBA from George Mason University. I live in Alexandria, VA with my very patient wife, our two wonderful kids and an adorable old mutt named Bell.
Jameela Pedicini, Executive Director of Climate Finance Initiatives, Bloomberg L.P.
The Revers Center for Energy and Center for Business Government & Society in welcome Jameela Pedicini, Executive Director, Climate Finance Initiatives at Bloomberg, LP for an interactive discussion on the current and potential impact of COVID-19 and climate-aware investing.
Event detailsJameela Pedicini, Executive Director of Climate Finance Initiatives, Bloomberg L.P.
Jameela leads Climate Finance Initiatives at Bloomberg LP. Previously, she co-led the Mission-Aligned Investment efforts Perella Weinberg Partners (PWP), where she was responsible for managing client relationships with a focus on impact investing and integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. Prior to joining PWP, Jameela was the first Vice President for Sustainable Investing at Harvard Management Company, where she was responsible for leading Harvard’s sustainable investing strategy and integrating ESG issues into its investment process. She was also an Investment Officer at the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (“CalPERS”), where she led the development and implementation of a variety of strategic ESG integration initiatives across the investment fund.
Jameela Pedicini is the executive director of Climate Finance Initiatives at Bloomberg LP. In that capacity, she works with clients to mobilize private finance to address the challenge of climate change through accelerating investments in clean energy and low-carbon opportunities globally.
Pedicini has been working with institutional investors on sustainable finance and impact investing for over 10 years. She previously served as executive director and co-head of Mission Aligned Investing at Perella Weinberg Partners’ (PWP) outsourced CIO business, PWP Agility, a fully discretionary investment solutions platform for endowments and foundations, family offices, sovereign wealth funds, and corporations. In that role, she led the firm’s expansion into sustainable finance and managed client relationships and portfolios with a focus on impact investing. Prior to this, she was at Harvard Management Company, where she served as the inaugural vice president of sustainable investing responsible for leading Harvard’s sustainable investing strategy.
Pedicini received an MPhil from the University of Oxford, an MSc from the University of Amsterdam, and a B.A. from Antioch University.
Tuck staff and students can sign up here to receive the Zoom information for this talk.
DEC Energy Seminar: Covering Climate Change on the Campaign Trail
Join the Revers Center for Energy and the Dartmouth Energy Collaborative for a discussion with NHPR Energy and Environment reporter Annie Ropeik as she shares her insights and perspective on how climate issues are shaping the 2020 election.
Event detailsDEC Energy Seminar: Covering Climate Change on the Campaign Trail
Date: Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Time: 12:15 p.m.-1:15p.m.
How have environmental issues — and in particular, climate change —impacted the ways that voters are communicating with their elected officials and reflecting changing priorities at the ballot box? NHPR environment and energy reporter Annie Ropeik will share her insights and perspectives on how climate change is showing up on the campaign trail and how it is shaping the 2020 election.
Please sign up here to receive the Zoom information for this talk.
Power-Up Monday: Electric and Autonomous Vehicles 101
The first in the Revers Center for Energy Power-Up series will be led by Sammer Richi T'21 and Sarthak Vaish T'21 who will lead us through the ins and outs Electric and Autonomous Vehicles
Event detailsPower-Up Monday: Electric and Autonomous Vehicles 101
Do you know the major players in the autonomous vehicle industry? Did you know there are 5 levels to autonomous driving? Come join Sammer Richi T'21 and Sarthak Vaish T'21 in exploring how the vehicles of the future are evolving and changing the software landscape! They will cover:
• Current state of the industry
• Overview of major players
• 5 Levels of Autonomous Driving
• AV Tech and Hardware Stack
• Challenges to achieving commercial deployment
• Industry business model
• Potential impact of AVs on adjacent industries
Tuck staff and students sign up here.
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