Past Events

Sep 29, 2020

Energy Careers in Renewable Energy, Operating, and Sustainability Companies

Current Revers Center for Energy Fellows will share their experiences in different companies related to the energy industry. This will be an opportunity for T’22’s to ask T’21’s about their recruitment and career experiences in energy fields in different energy roles within renewable energy, sustainability, operating, and corporate companies.

Event details
Sep 27, 2020

Tuck Renewable Energy Finance Challenge

The Tuck Renewable Energy Finance Challenge is the first annual sustainable energy case competition. Apply by September 27, 2020 for the chance to participate in this competition.

Event details
Sep 25, 2020

Tuck Tech Conference

The 7th annual Tuck SHIFT Conference will take place virtually on Friday, September 25th. The Revers Center for Energy is excited to support the Future of Automotive Mobility panel to explore the intersection of energy and the future of technology.

Event details
Sep 23, 2020

New Energy Series: Erin Mayfield, Princeton University

Join the Revers Center for Energy and the Dartmouth Energy Collaborative for a discussion with Erin Mayfield of Princeton University who will present on her recent energy research as part of the New Energy: Conversations with Early-Career Energy Researchers series.

Event details
Sep 22, 2020

Energy Speaker: Colin Hayes, Energy Lobbyist

The Revers Center for Energy is excited to launch the Policy and Solutions Architecture Speaker Series with Colin Hayes, the former Staff Director for the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee and is now currently an energy lobbyist based at Lot Sixteen.

Event details
Sep 17, 2020

Jameela Pedicini, Executive Director of Climate Finance Initiatives, Bloomberg L.P.

The Revers Center for Energy and Center for Business Government & Society in welcome Jameela Pedicini, Executive Director, Climate Finance Initiatives at Bloomberg, LP for an interactive discussion on the current and potential impact of COVID-19 and climate-aware investing.

Event details
Sep 15, 2020

DEC Energy Seminar: Covering Climate Change on the Campaign Trail

Join the Revers Center for Energy and the Dartmouth Energy Collaborative for a discussion with NHPR Energy and Environment reporter Annie Ropeik as she shares her insights and perspective on how climate issues are shaping the 2020 election.

Event details
Sep 14, 2020

Power-Up Monday: Electric and Autonomous Vehicles 101

The first in the Revers Center for Energy Power-Up series will be led by Sammer Richi T'21 and Sarthak Vaish T'21 who will lead us through the ins and outs Electric and Autonomous Vehicles

Event details