Past Events
Alumni Sparks: Tom Kiernan D’81
The Revers Center for Energy invites you to connect with other Dartmouth energy students and hear from seasoned professionals whose unique perspective can help inform your next energy career steps. Tom Kiernan is the CEO of the American Wind Energy Association.
Event detailsAlumni Sparks: Tom Kiernan D’81
Are you interested in exploring a career in the energy sector? Are you a graduating senior worried about the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the energy job market? As we weather the coronavirus pandemic as a campus, a nation, and a planet, the Irving Institute for Energy and Society wants to help students interested in pursuing a career in energy gain insight and advice from industry leaders during these challenging times.
We invite all interested students to join us for our new online “Alumni Sparks” program. Each week, we’ll introduce you to a Dartmouth energy alum who will share their career journey, discuss how the pandemic has affected their area, and answer your questions about energy careers in the midst of this major upheaval. You’ll meet leaders in renewables, legacy systems, finance, and more in this informal, up-close-and-personal Zoom-based series. Connect with other Dartmouth energy students and hear from seasoned professionals whose unique perspective can help inform your next steps.
Alumni Sparks is open to everyone, even if you're new to energy and not sure if it's the right path for you! Our conversations will be accessible for a general audience. Whether or not they electrify* you with interest in the energy sector, they’ll open up new ways of thinking that we hope are helpful for all!!
This week’s Alumni Sparks will be with Tom Kiernan D'81, CEO, American Wind Energy Association on Wednesday, May 13th at 8 PM EST. For more information and to sign up here.
Tom Kiernan began as CEO of the American Wind Energy Association in May, 2013. Prior to joining AWEA, Tom was President of the National Parks Conservation Association for 15 years. Previous positions include Deputy Assistant Administrator of EPA's Office of Air and Radiation where he assisted in leading the implementation of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments, President of the Audubon Society of New Hampshire, and a senior consultant with Arthur Andersen & Co. Tom is a native of Arlington, VA, has an undergraduate degree from Dartmouth College in Environmental Computer Modeling, and an MBA from Stanford's Graduate School of Business.
For more information and to sign up here.
Autonomy in Sight: A Discussion on the Future of Autonomous Vehicles
The Revers Center for Energy is proud to partner with the new Future of Automotive Mobility Club for its inaugural event on Friday, May 8th for a panel discussion on "Autonomy in Sight: A Discussion on the Future of Autonomous Vehicles".
Event detailsAutonomy in Sight: A Discussion on the Future of Autonomous Vehicles
The Revers Center for Energy is proud to partner with the new Future of Automotive Mobility Club for its inaugural event on Friday, May 8th for a panel discussion on "Autonomy in Sight: A Discussion on the Future of Autonomous Vehicles". We will welcome special guests Bryan Reimer, Ph.D., Research Scientist at the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics, and Doug DeMuro, Automotive Journalist for Oversteer by Autotrader. Moderated by Professor Lecuona, we will explore topics such as challenges facing the autonomous vehicle industry as it approaches commercial deployment, how public perception of autonomous car services has shifted over time, and what the future holds in store for us as consumers of this technology. Please join us for this popular topic facing us today.
Tuck students and staff can sign up here to receive Zoom information.
Dartmouth students, staff, and community members can RSVP here to receive Zoom information.
A Discussion with Jameela Pedicini, Executive Director of Climate Finance Initiatives Bloomberg L.P.
Date: May 8, 2020 | 12 pm
Join a discussion with Jameela Pedicini on the current and potential impact of Covid-19 and climate-aware investing. Will the current pandemic hinder or accelerate global efforts to mitigate climate risks? How are ESG investors responding to the current crisis and longer-term focus on climate change?
A Discussion with Jameela Pedicini, Executive Director of Climate Finance Initiatives Bloomberg L.P.
Date: May 8, 2020 | 12 pm
Jameela leads Climate Finance Initiatives at Bloomberg LP. Previously, she co-led the Mission-Aligned Investment efforts Perella Weinberg Partners (PWP), where she was responsible for managing client relationships with a focus on impact investing and integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. Prior to joining PWP, Jameela was the first Vice President for Sustainable Investing at Harvard Management Company, where she was responsible for leading Harvard’s sustainable investing strategy and integrating ESG issues into its investment process. She was also an Investment Officer at the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (“CalPERS”), where she led the development and implementation of a variety of strategic ESG integration initiatives across the investment fund.
Jameela Pedicini is the executive director of Climate Finance Initiatives at Bloomberg LP. In that capacity, she works with clients to mobilize private finance to address the challenge of climate change through accelerating investments in clean energy and low-carbon opportunities globally.
Pedicini has been working with institutional investors on sustainable finance and impact investing for over 10 years. She previously served as executive director and co-head of Mission Aligned Investing at Perella Weinberg Partners’ (PWP) outsourced CIO business, PWP Agility, a fully discretionary investment solutions platform for endowments and foundations, family offices, sovereign wealth funds, and corporations. In that role, she led the firm’s expansion into sustainable finance and managed client relationships and portfolios with a focus on impact investing. Prior to this, she was at Harvard Management Company, where she served as the inaugural vice president of sustainable investing responsible for leading Harvard’s sustainable investing strategy.
Pedicini received an MPhil from the University of Oxford, an MSc from the University of Amsterdam, and a B.A. from Antioch University.
Tuck Staff and Students can sign-up here.
Online Panel Discussion: “Earth 2020: An Insider’s Guide to a Rapidly Changing Planet”
On Thursday, May 7 at 9 a.m. EDT the Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy and Society at Dartmouth will host online panel discussions from contributing authors to the new book, Earth 2020: An Insider's Guide to a Rapidly Changing Planet. Both panels will be co-moderated by Phillipe Tortell, Earth 2020 editor and professor at the University of British Columbia and Elizabeth Wilson, Irving Institute director and professor of environmental studies at Dartmouth College.
Event detailsOnline Panel Discussion: “Earth 2020: An Insider’s Guide to a Rapidly Changing Planet”
On Monday, May 4, at 12 p.m. EDT and Thursday, May 7 at 9 a.m. EDT, the Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy and Society at Dartmouth will host online panel discussions from contributing authors to the new book, Earth 2020: An Insider's Guide to a Rapidly Changing Planet. Both panels will be co-moderated by Phillipe Tortell, Earth 2020 editor and professor at the University of British Columbia and Elizabeth Wilson, Irving Institute director and professor of environmental studies at Dartmouth College. Panelists today include:
- Janet G. Hering, ETH and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- Candis Callison, University of British Columbia
- Alice Gorman, Flinders University
- Robert Socolow, Princeton University
Learn more and register at
Alumni Sparks: Scott Fisher D’93, TH’93, TU’98
The Revers Center for Energy invites you to connect with other Dartmouth energy students and hear from seasoned professionals whose unique perspective can help inform your next energy career steps. Scott Fisher is a Partner at NorthBridge Group, a leading economic and strategic consulting firm that serves the electricity and natural gas industries, including both regulated utilities and the competitive segments of these industries.
Event detailsAlumni Sparks: Scott Fisher D’93, TH’93, TU’98
Are you interested in exploring a career in the energy sector? Are you a graduating senior worried about the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the energy job market? As we weather the coronavirus pandemic as a campus, a nation, and a planet, the Irving Institute for Energy and Society wants to help students interested in pursuing a career in energy gain insight and advice from industry leaders during these challenging times.
We invite all interested students to join us for our new online “Alumni Sparks” program. Each week, we’ll introduce you to a Dartmouth energy alum who will share their career journey, discuss how the pandemic has affected their area, and answer your questions about energy careers in the midst of this major upheaval. You’ll meet leaders in renewables, legacy systems, finance, and more in this informal, up-close-and-personal Zoom-based series. Connect with other Dartmouth energy students and hear from seasoned professionals whose unique perspective can help inform your next steps.
Alumni Sparks is open to everyone, even if you're new to energy and not sure if it's the right path for you! Our conversations will be accessible for a general audience. Whether or not they electrify* you with interest in the energy sector, they’ll open up new ways of thinking that we hope are helpful for all!!
This week’s Alumni Sparks will be with Scott Fisher D’93, TH’93, TU’98, Partner, NorthBridge Group on Wednesday, May 6th at 8 PM EST. Tuck students and staff can sign up here.
Scott Fisher is a partner at the NorthBridge Group, a leading economic and strategic consulting firm that serves the electricity and natural gas industries, including both regulated utilities and the competitive segments of these industries. Scott advises Fortune 500 and smaller energy companies on matters related to business and regulatory strategy, helping companies navigate and drive industry change. In these efforts, Scott assists companies with challenges and opportunities regarding emerging technologies, public policy formulation and negotiations, risk management, asset valuation and portfolio management, mergers and acquisitions, contract negotiations, electricity supply procurement, product pricing, and rate design.
With over 20 years of experience in the electricity industry, Scott also serves as an expert witness in regulatory proceedings related to electricity policy. In this capacity, he has testified on issues regarding wholesale and retail electricity markets, utility procurement of electricity supply for customers, risk management, product pricing, demand response, and energy efficiency.
Scott is the Chairman of the Board of Advisors of the Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy and Society at Dartmouth, and he serves as a guest lecturer in economics courses at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth. He holds an AB with Honors from Dartmouth College, a Bachelor of Engineering from Dartmouth's Thayer School of Engineering, as well as an MS in Engineering-Economic Systems from Stanford University and an MBA with High Honors from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth. Scott is an Eagle Scout and he actively serves youth through the BSA's programs.
Tuck students and staff can sign up here.
Energy Seminar with Darren Peers T’01, D’96, Senior VP, Capital Group
Date: May 5, 2020, 12pm
The world is experiencing an unprecedented supply/demand imbalance in energy as many nations' populations shelter at home to stop the spread of COVID-19. Darren Peers, an equity investment analyst at Capital Group financial services company, will discuss the current energy procurement landscape and examine the medium and longer term challenges created by this supply/demand imbalance.
Event detailsEnergy Seminar with Darren Peers T’01, D’96, Senior VP, Capital Group
The world is experiencing an unprecedented supply/demand imbalance in energy as many nations' populations’ shelter at home to stop the spread of COVID-19. Darren Peers, an equity investment analyst at Capital Group financial services company, will discuss the current energy procurement landscape and then examine the medium and longer term challenges created by this supply/demand imbalance.
Darren Peers has research responsibility for oil and gas exploration and production in the U.S. and Canada, oil and gas refining and marketing, as well as large-cap machinery companies in the U.S. He has 23 years of investment experience and has been with Capital Group for six years. Prior to joining Capital, Darren was a portfolio manager and energy analyst at NWQ Investment Management Company. Before that, he worked as an energy analyst and investment associate for Putnam Investments. He holds an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College and a bachelor's degree in economics from Dartmouth College.
Dartmouth students, staff, and community members can RSVP here to receive Zoom information.
Online Panel Discussion: “Earth 2020: An Insider’s Guide to a Rapidly Changing Planet”
On Monday, May 4, at 12 p.m. EDT the Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy and Society at Dartmouth will host online panel discussions from contributing authors to the new book, Earth 2020: An Insider's Guide to a Rapidly Changing Planet. Both panels will be co-moderated by Phillipe Tortell, Earth 2020 editor and professor at the University of British Columbia and Elizabeth Wilson, Irving Institute director and professor of environmental studies at Dartmouth College.
Event detailsOnline Panel Discussion: “Earth 2020: An Insider’s Guide to a Rapidly Changing Planet”
On Monday, May 4, at 12 p.m. EDT and Thursday, May 7 at 9 a.m. EDT, the Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy and Society at Dartmouth will host online panel discussions from contributing authors to the new book, Earth 2020: An Insider's Guide to a Rapidly Changing Planet. Both panels will be co-moderated by Phillipe Tortell, Earth 2020 editor and professor at the University of British Columbia and Elizabeth Wilson, Irving Institute director and professor of environmental studies at Dartmouth College. Panelists today include:
- Sally N. Aitken, University of British Columbia
- Douglas G. MacMartin, Cornell University
- U. Rashid Sumaila, University of British Columbia
Learn more and register at
Energy Supply & Demand in the Age of COVID-19, a discussion with BP’s Michael Cohen
Join the Revers Center for Energy Power-Up Thursday in a discussion with Michael Cohen, Chief US Economist and Head of Oil Markets at BP, to discuss energy supply and demand in the age of COVID-19. Michael will give us an overview of BP, including their recent net zero by 2050 announcement, we’ll discuss last week’s negative oil prices as we step through BP’s projections for supply and demand, and we’ll wrap up with the implications of Coronavirus on electricity, oil and transportation.
Event detailsEnergy Supply & Demand in the Age of COVID-19, a discussion with BP’s Michael Cohen
Date: Thursday, April 30, 2020
Time: 12 PM EST
What do you think US and global energy supply and demand might look like in a post COVID-19 economy? Do you anticipate a return to “normal”? What are the implications of last week’s super contango (negative oil futures prices)?
BPs ‘Energy Outlook explores the forces shaping the global energy transition out to 2040 and the key uncertainties surrounding that transition. It shows how rising prosperity drives an increase in global energy demand and how that demand will be met over the coming decades through a diverse range of supplies including oil, gas, coal and renewables’.
Join the Revers Center for Energy in a discussion with Michael Cohen, Chief US Economist and Head of Oil Markets at BP, to discuss energy supply and demand in the age of COVID-19. Michael will give us an overview of BP, including their recent net zero by 2050 announcement, we’ll discuss last week’s negative oil prices as we step through BP’s projections for supply and demand, and we’ll wrap up with the implications of Coronavirus on electricity, oil and transportation.
Tuck students and staff can sign up here to receive Zoom information.
Dartmouth students, staff, and community members can RSVP here to receive Zoom information.
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