Past Events

Apr 2, 2024

Fireside Chat with Dan Kalafatas D’96

Join Dan Kalafatas D'96, Chairman and Co-Founder of 3Degrees, and the Tuck Student Initiative for Decarbonization for a conversation on carbon credits. 3Degrees works with businesses to address the global climate crisis by incorporating clean energy strategies into their operations. Dan will join by Zoom. Learn about carbon offset pros & cons, decarbonization strategies, and more!

Event details
Mar 6, 2024

Spring Internship Recruiting Panel

A career panel with six T'24s about their spring internship recruiting experience, with a focus on entrepreneurship, sustainability, impact, and energy. Q&A will be followed by interactive breakout sessions with panelists: Peter Hughes, Gillian Katz, Holly Mowbray, Seamus Nolan, Varna Sharma, and Madeline Soutter. Sponsored by Tuck Energy Club, Tuck Sustains, and Entrepreneurship Club.

Event details
Feb 26, 2024

Tuck Renewable Energy Finance Challenge

Join the Tuck Renewable Energy Finance Competition and work within groups to solve real-world challenges in renewable energy technology investment. Sign up by February 8 on TuckConnect to secure your spot—and win up to $1500 in cash prizes!

Event details
Feb 15, 2024

Power-Up Thursday: Upstream Oil & Gas

Center Fellows will share their experience working in upstream oil and gas and present on the "pipeline" of the industry. We'll explore how we actually get oil out of the ground, the ins and outs of fracking, the upstream landscape, the drilling process, and the outlook for the sector. Your peers include T'24s Claire Kadeethum, Rohini Poptani, and Ayaz Ahsan.

Event details
Feb 1, 2024

Power-Up Thursday: US Energy Policy & IRA

Join your T'24 peers Lauren Adamson and Seamus Nolan to learn about the current state of US Energy Policy and the Inflation Reduction Act. The IRA was signed into law in 2022 to encourage investments into domestic energy production and promote clean energy through various avenues: manufacturing, energy developers, and consumers.

Event details
Jan 30, 2024

Energy Security and Frontier Markets - Georgia Trek Presentation

Surrounded by major oil/gas producers, Georgia started the 21st century with a collapsing energy system. Today the country’s system is stable and produces over 80% of electricity from renewables, but still faces complex security, political, and investment challenges. Revers Fellows will share their experience traveling to Tbilisi, Georgia in November and learning about energy, sustainability, and frontier market investments.
Georgian food and wine will be available!

Event details
Jan 26, 2024

Trek to Beta Technologies: The Future of Aviation

Based in Burlington, Beta is an industry leader in developing electric aircraft. With $800M in funding and a brand new ~200,000 sqft production floor. We’ll tour their R&D facility and HQ, including the hangar, flight simulator, and core labs. Space is limited so please commit if you have the time to attend the whole day. Sign-up by 1/16.

Event details
Jan 19, 2024

Power-Up Friday: Hydrogen 101

Join Charlie Jersey T'24 to discuss the “fuel of the future” hydrogen fuel industry. Learn about the basics of hydrogen, the key trends and forces acting on this up-and-coming industry, and the next-generation technologies which may play an important role in the future. Could hydrogen fuel be the key to a net-zero future?

Event details