Student’s TED Talk: Renewable Energy From Chicken Fat and Feathers
Charlotte Albright, Dartmouth News

Anela Arifi ’20 has designed a system to make and store energy from chicken fat and feathers. She recently gave a T...
Charlotte Albright, Dartmouth News
Anela Arifi ’20 has designed a system to make and store energy from chicken fat and feathers. She recently gave a T...
Charlotte Albright, Dartmouth News
"The founding director of the Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy and Society will play a key role in determining...
David MacKay
Addressing the sustainable energy crisis in an objective manner, this enlightening book analyzes the relevant numbers and organizes a plan...
Ron Adner, Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Wide lens, written by Tuck professor of strategy, Ron Adner, explores the reasons why some great innovators succeed where others...
Charlotte Albright, Dartmouth News
The alumnus outlines some of the paths and obstacles to a more energy-efficient future.
Daniel Yergin
The Quest tells the inside stories, tackles the tough questions, and reveals surprising insights about coal, electricity, and natural gas....
Joshua Graff Zivin, Matthew Kotchen and Erin Mansur
Erin Mansur, Revers Professor of Business Administration at Tuck, joins fellow research associates at the National Bureau of Economic Research...
Dartmouth engineering professor Brenden Epps discusses his research in wind and hydrokinetic energy extraction and marine propulsion.
Dwight Garner
Rob Wolfe, Valley News
Dartmouth College’s newest initiative in sustainability research kicked off on Friday afternoon with an earnest discussion on the betterment o...