Past Events
New Energy: Stimulating Electricity Demand in Sub-Saharan Africa
Join us as we welcome June Lukuyu to the New Energy series!
Event detailsNew Energy: Stimulating Electricity Demand in Sub-Saharan Africa
Join June Lukuyu (University of Massachusetts at Amherst) as she evaluates strategies that help stimulate electricity demand in Sub-Saharan Africa with off-grid electricity supply, transportation, and agriculture. She also discusses ways to drive sustainable human development. The New Energy series hosted by the Irving Institute for Energy and Society features conversations with rising stars in the energy field.
50 Years of Energy Policy: Lessons for the Future
John Deutch, Institute Professor Emeritus at MIT and former Director of the CIA, will discuss how nine U.S. presidential administrations have dealt with energy issues.
Event details50 Years of Energy Policy: Lessons for the Future
John Deutch, Institute Professor Emeritus at MIT and former Director of the CIA, will discuss how nine U.S. presidential administrations have dealt with energy issues. Professor Deutch will advance a theory about how these energy issues are resolved and propose ten actions to meet the future challenges of global climate change.
Power-Up Thursday: Hydrogen 101
Kartik Gulati T’23 will discuss the “fuel of the future” hydrogen fuel industry.
Power-Up Thursday: Hydrogen 101
Come join the Revers Center for Energy, Sustainability and Innovation and Kartik Gulati T’23 to discuss the “fuel of the future” hydrogen fuel industry. Learn about the basics of hydrogen, the key trends and forces acting on this up-and-coming industry, and the next-generation technologies which may play an important role in the future. What’s the difference between green, blue, and gray hydrogen? Could hydrogen fuel be the key to a net-zero future? And which companies are leading the way in this industry. Learn this and more about one of Earth’s most abundant elements!
This event is sponsored by the Revers Center for Energy, Sustainability and Innovation
New Energy: Scaling Off-Grid Technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa
Join us as we welcome Churchill Agutu (ETH Zurich).
Event detailsNew Energy: Scaling Off-Grid Technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa
Join Churchill Agutu (ETH Zurich) to discuss the role of policy and financing in accelerating the deployment of off-grid electrification technologies in sub-Saharan African countries. The New Energy series hosted by the Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy and Society features conversations with rising stars in the energy field.
New Energy: Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning
Priya Donti (Carnegie Mellon University)
Event detailsNew Energy: Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning
Join Priya Donti (Carnegie Mellon University)to discuss how machine learning can be a powerful tool for addressing climate change, from energy to agriculture to disaster response. The New Energy series hosted by the Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy and Society features conversations with rising stars in the energy field.
New Energy: Jorge Izar, Carnegie Mellon University
Jorge Izar will discuss his research on interdependent water-energy-food systems.
Event detailsNew Energy: Jorge Izar, Carnegie Mellon University
Jorge Izar (Carnegie Mellon University) will discuss his research on interdependent water-energy-food systems and their social, economic, and environmental implications, primarily in the Global South. The New Energy series hosted by the Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy and Society features conversations with rising stars in the energy field.
Power-Up Thursday: Hawaiian Renewable Energy Transition in a Pandemic Economy
Join the Center as the T'22 Fellows share their Hawaiian trip analysis.
Event detailsPower-Up Thursday: Hawaiian Renewable Energy Transition in a Pandemic Economy
Join the Center as the T'22 Fellows share their Hawaiian trip analysis examining the challenges of transitioning from exporting all energy to becoming 100% renewable energy by 2045 with the added challenges of a pandemic and being an island. Highlights of the trip include Parker Ranch with Dutch Kuyper T'92 and Jonathan Mitchell T'12 and visiting Kona's Geothermal plant.
DEC Energy Seminar: Climate and Youth Voices
Join host Elan Strait (Senior Advisor at the US State Department and negotiator of the Paris Climate Agreement) for a conversation on the implications of COP26 and the role of youth voices in UN Climate Conferences.
Event detailsDEC Energy Seminar: Climate and Youth Voices
The Revers Center for Energy and the Dartmouth Energy Collaborative will host Elan Strait (Senior Advisor at the US State Department and negotiator of the Paris Climate Agreement) for a conversation on the implications of COP26, his perceptive on the COP discussions, and the role of youth voices in UN Climate Conferences.
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