Past Events
Energy Careers in Finance Lunch & Learn
Current Revers Center for Energy Fellows will share their experiences in the energy banking and finance industry. This is a lunch & learn for T’24’s who are exploring different fields within banking and finance. Fellow students who have recruited and interned in these potential careers will share their recruitment experience and strategies for different firms and geographical locations.
Event detailsEnergy Careers in Finance Lunch & Learn
Current Revers Center for Energy Fellows will share their experiences in the energy banking and finance industry. This is a lunch & learn for T’24’s who are exploring different fields within banking and finance. Fellow students who have recruited and interned in these potential careers will share their recruitment experience and strategies for different firms and geographical locations.
Bring your own lunch.
Energy 101: Fundamentals of Power & Gas
This interactive workshop is the perfect in-depth introduction to future seminars, experiential learning opportunities and those of you preparing for the Fall recruitment cycle in all industries.
The seminar utilizes case studies from the power and gas industries. Some of the topics will include what the natural gas and electricity are and how it affects the various market participants.
Energy 101: Fundamentals of Power & Gas
This interactive workshop is the perfect in-depth introduction to future seminars, experiential learning opportunities and those of you preparing for the Fall Term recruitment cycle in all industries.
The seminar utilizes several case studies from the power and gas industries. Some of the topics will include what the natural gas and electricity are and how they work, how regulation works and how it affects the various market participants, and what the future will look like for gas and electricity.
New Energy: Benedict Probst, ETH Zurich/University of Cambridge
Join Benedict Probst (Senior Researcher at ETH Zurich and Fellow at the Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance (C-EENRG) at the University of Cambridge) for a conversation on recent research.
Event detailsNew Energy: Benedict Probst, ETH Zurich/University of Cambridge
Join Benedict Probst (Senior Researcher at ETH Zurich and Fellow at the Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance (C-EENRG) at the University of Cambridge) for a conversation on recent research. The New Energy series hosted by the Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy and Society features conversations with rising stars in the energy field.
Dartmouth Innovation and Technology Festival
Celebrate science, technology, energy, business, and the liberal arts at the Dartmouth Innovation and Technology Festival.
Event detailsDartmouth Innovation and Technology Festival
Celebrate science, technology, energy, business, and the liberal arts at the Dartmouth Innovation and Technology Festival. Festivities include the dedication of the new Engineering and Computer Science Center; a Friday night street festival with entertainment; open houses and interactive programs; the Magnuson Startup Competition Semi-finals and Finals; a Saturday food truck festival, and more!
New Energy: Power Systems Perspective on Climate Change Mitigation Scenarios
Maarten Brinkerink discusses the use of Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) for long-term energy planning exercises.
Event detailsNew Energy: Power Systems Perspective on Climate Change Mitigation Scenarios
Maarten Brinkerink (University College Cork, Thayer School of Engineering) discusses the use of Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) for long-term energy planning exercises in response to climate change mitigation requirements. The New Energy series hosted by the Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy and Society features conversations with rising stars in the energy field.
Innovation Tools for Sustainability
Scott Anthony, Senior Partner at Innosight, will lead us through innovative frameworks to help us think about sustainability.
Event detailsInnovation Tools for Sustainability
Scott Anthony is a Senior Partner at Innosight and is teaching a Tuck elective on Leading Disruptive Change at Tuck this term. In his more than a decade with Innosight, Scott has advised senior leaders in companies on topics of growth and innovation. In this session, Scott will lead us through innovative frameworks to help us think about sustainability.
Energy Trek to Green Mountain Power Solar Site
GMP is a pioneer in revolutionizing the grid to fight climate change.
Event detailsEnergy Trek to Green Mountain Power Solar Site
GMP is a pioneer in revolutionizing the grid to fight climate change. Visit their new solar site in Panton, VT which will become the first U.S. utility-built community microgrid able to run on renewable energy without a fossil-fuel backup. The site also hosts a 4.9-megawatt storage battery that helps power the grid when the sun isn’t shining.
Virtual Youth Forum on Climate-Smart Affordable Housing in New England
Join lawmakers and leaders in forest products, clean energy, and housing for this discussion on building affordable housing in New England with clean energy technology and forest products that capture carbon.
Event detailsVirtual Youth Forum on Climate-Smart Affordable Housing in New England
Join lawmakers and leaders in forest products, clean energy, and housing for this discussion on building affordable housing in New England with clean energy technology and forest products that capture carbon. Confirmed speakers include Ann Kuster, U.S. Congresswoman; Jameson French, President and CEO, Northland Forest Products; and Madeleine Mineau, Chief Operating Officer, Essex Hydro (New England hydropower projects).
New federal funding for infrastructure creates the potential to invest in climate- and energy-smart construction that meets our housing demand, boosts our forest-based economy, and protects our climate - all at the same time! Join us for a special conversation at the intersection of climate, forests, and housing focused on building sustainable, affordable, equitable housing using regionally-sourced climate-smart wood products and cutting-edge clean energy technology.
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